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Is the Large Hadron Collider worth its massive price tag?

"Scientists at Cern near Geneva are close to turning on their particle accelerator a year after it blew up. In their latest video, physicists hunting the Higgs boson ask what price society is willing to pay to understand the...

Category: Big Science


Climate change is killing our people

"UN leaders should know: climate change is destroying my village in Uganda – flooding our homes and ruining our crops"

Category: Climate Change


Ryanair and easyJet back industry pledge to halve emissions

"British Airways chief, Willie Walsh, says the industry can meet the 2050 target through a emissions trading scheme and improvements in aviation technology"

Category: Transport


Dams: 'Millions at risk' as deltas sink

"Most of the world's major river deltas are sinking, increasing the flood risk faced by hundreds of millions of people, scientists report. Damming and diverting rivers means that much less sediment now reaches many delta areas,...

Category: Energy sources


North East Passge opens

"Two German ships have become the first Western commercial vessels to navigate the Northeast Passage - a shipping route which goes from Asia to Europe around the Russian Arctic."

Displaying results 971 to 975 out of 2977